Monday, September 22, 2008

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell - Newbery Award Winner

Island of the Blue Dolphins, a Newbery award winner, is story about a Native American girl, Karana,who courageously leaps out of a boat to save her brother, Ramo. Sadly, he dies soon after from an attack by a pack of wild dogs. Ironically, Karana then raises the leader of the pack and names him Rontu because of his yellow eyes. After many years living alone on the island, missionaries came to take Karana and her pets to Santa Barbara. I enjoyed reading this book, Karana show a lot of courage and independence to protect herself while on the island. Not only is this a good read, but it also exemplifies fearlessness and bravery. I think this book would be a great to have students write in a journal; for instance what would you do to survive on this island? Would you do anything differently and why?

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